The immune system is responsible for fighting foreign invaders in the body, like pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and also destroy cells within the body when they become cancerous.  Poor nutrition results in increased infections, slow healing from injury and infections, and increases susceptibility to symptoms and complications from immune system dysfunction.  Studies show that immune function often decreases with age, and recent research suggests this decrease is also related to nutrition and may be slowed or even stopped by maintaining healthy nutrition.

The underlisted minerals will help you boost your immune system against any source of infection.


Studies have shown that deficiency of high-quality protein can result in depletion of immune cells, inability of the body to make antibodies, and other immune-related problems.  High-quality, complete proteins are found from many sources:  eggs, fish, and shellfish, tofu, tempeh and quinoa  Many vegetables and grains are also excellent sources of many of the immune-stimulating amino acids  Broccoli, brown rice, nut butters, mushrooms, nuts and seeds.


Diets low in omega-3 fatty acids are associated with chronic inflammatory conditions and autoimmune diseases.  In order to achieve a more beneficial ratio of omega-3 fatty acids in your body, it is important to decrease the amount of omega-6 fatty acids in your diet, while increasing the amount of omega-3 fatty acids.  Reduce your consumption of conventionally raised meats and dairy products, and refined foods  Increase consumption of wild-caught cold-water fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines, ground flaxseeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds leafy green vegetables, and grass fed meats and dairy.


Whole, fresh fruits and vegetables, promote a healthy gastrointestinal system.  They are fermented by the friendly bacteria in your colon to short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), which are used as a fuel by gastrointestinal tract cells.  Fiber also promotes the removal of toxins that can adversely affect your gastrointestinal tract cells and supports healthy digestive function overall.


Some of the benefits of vitamin c is that it Supports a decrease in the length of time and severity of symptoms associated with upper respiratory viral infections, promote phagocytic cell functions, and support healthy T-cell function. It also Provides antioxidant activity to support healing at sites of inflammation. Foods rich in vitamin C include broccoli, cantaloupe, cauliflower, kale, kiwi, orange juice, papaya, red, green or yellow pepper, sweet potato, strawberries, and tomatoes

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Written: Jerry Martey (RMN,Trauma Hospital Winneba)