The Sissala East Municipal branch of the Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association(GRNMA) has on Thursday 25/06/2020 handed over assorted relief items to management of Tumu Municipal Hospital and all the Health Centers within the municipality. 

In attendance in short handing ceremony were the hospital acting DDNS, administrator, accountant, estate officer, storekeeper and a representative of the Municipal Health Director. All the Municipal executives and a cross section of nurses were also present. Municipal Chairman(Hon. Bentor Francis Donyor) speech – I must on behalf of my executives and myself say a very big thank you to all who supported this course especially the heads of our management.

This idea came after several tours (both regional and municipal/district) by GRNMA executives to assess the region (UWR) preparedness level in fighting Covid 19 and other related infections. The findings across all districts were that, there were no PPE and basic hand washing facilities and or materials. It was clear that management would not be able to single-handedly address gaps relating to equipment and logistical needs of the facilities. It was against this background that a letter of appeal for fund was sanctioned by the Upper West Regional Executive Council (REC) of our beloved association GRNMA to all municipal and District Chairmen to solicit for support from individuals, businessmen, organizations and benevolent societies to help fight the pandemic in their respective districts/municipalizes.

Sissala East upon receiving the said letter immediately met with all the stakeholders (the acting DDNS, Medical Sup. Hospital Administrator, Municipal Public Health Nurse, Municipal Director of Health and Municipal Chief Executive) and we got their support. The programme was launched at RADFORF FM and letters distrusted to individuals, businessmen, organizations and benevolent societies hence the realization of items worth of GHC 1,000.00. these items include 300 pieces of sew facemask, 32 gallons of liquid soap, 15 gallons of bleach (parazone), 80 cakes of Langu medicated soap and 17 bottles(200mls) of hand sanitizers.

An AIRTIME worth of GHC1, 200.00 was allocated to the association by Tumu Co-operative Credit Union to educate the general public on Covid 19 preventive measures at RADFORD FM a local FM station in the municipality. These items are going to be shared to the 1 Municipal Hospital, 1 polyclinic, 7 health centers and over 50 CHPS compound across the Sissala East Municipality We are very much grateful to all our sponsors. Fighting a pandemic is not an event but an ongoing process and our doors are still widely open for more to support this noble course. The hospital administrator Mr Anthony Sumah who received the items on behalf of the facility was very grateful to the association for the bold initiative taken by the leadership. He assured the leadership that he will make sure the items reach its members in the ward/units.

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